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Buying a Dallas Home? Common Home Insurance Claims

buying a dallas home

Of course if you’re buying a Dallas home, a home inspection is critical to learn about any potential damage or repairs that may need to be addressed. However, having good homeowner’s insurance is also vital for any issues that may pop up in the future. Our real estate agents want to stress the importance of protecting your largest investment!

Here are a few of the most common home insurance claims – and keep in mind, each year approximately one in 15 insured homeowners has a claim.

  • Freezing and/or water damage. From leaking pipes to ice storms, water can cause extensive damage. Make sure your pipes are well insulated, and during extremely cold periods, drip shower heads and faucets to prevent potential bursting pipes.
  • Wind and hail. North Texas certainly has its share of thunderstorms and in some cases, tornadoes. Wind and hail can cause considerable damage; in fact, a tornado can completely destroy your home, and hail can cause extensive damage to the roof, siding, and other components of your home. Be sure you have coverage for these potential perils!
  • Malicious mischief/vandalism. Whether a teenager defaces your home with spray paint, lights or windows are broken, or someone decides it would be fun to egg your house or tamper with the locks, be sure “all other property damage” is listed on your policy. If not, you’ll want to add it.
  • Theft. According to the FBI, there were nearly 2,160,000 burglaries in 2010! While you want to make sure your home is insured against theft, you may also want to make certain all windows and doors are securely locked before you leave your home, and invest in a home security system. Also let a neighbor you trust know when you’re on vacation or out of town, as well as police. One more point: no matter HOW great you think your hiding spot for the spare key is, don’t do it. Burglars are smart; they know all the possibilities when it comes to hiding a spare key.

At Team Nelson, our North Texas real estate agents want you to thoroughly enjoy your new home, without all of the worries of repairs, theft, or other issues. Be sure your homeowner’s policy includes coverage for all of the most common problems you could potentially face!

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