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Buying A Flower Mound Home – Will It Be New Or An Older Home?

Buying A Flower Mound Home

In real estate terms, a new home is generally one that’s newer than four years old. When buying a Flower Mound home, or a home in one of the other communities near Dallas-Ft. Worth, have you decided whether you would prefer a new home, or an older, established home?

As Flower Mound real estate professionals, we understand that people’s preferences are different, and their images of what a home “should be” are often formed by childhood memories. Some are dead-set on a brand spanking new home and prefer not to buy what they may consider a “hand-me-down,” while others enjoy the warmth of older homes when compared to the sometimes “cold” feel of a newly constructed home.

You may be someone who isn’t sure whether you prefer a new home, or an older home. When it comes time to make a decision, here are a few factors that may influence your decision:

Larger lots often come with older homes, simply because land was more affordable in the past. In addition, much of the landscaping may be established, so you enjoy large trees that provide shade, etc.

Properties that are older and established often go hand-in-hand with communities that are close-knit – one of those neighborhoods where everyone knows one another.

According to Realty Trac, there are twice as many older homes to choose from when compared to new homes. Today, over 70% of single family homes were constructed before 1990.

New homes definitely have certain features some potential buyers can’t live without, such as walk-in closets, something that may be tough to find in an older home. It’s also important to consider that when buying a new home in a relatively new development, families have an opportunity to “start out” together, and build lasting friendships – a “fresh start,” if you will. As a general rule, newer homes usually don’t have the upkeep and maintenance costs of an older home.

There really are no hard and fast rules when it comes to the decision of whether to buy a new home or older home in the Dallas area. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of finding that home that “speaks” to you, the one you simply can’t live without! When you fall in love with a home, sometimes the fact of whether it’s new or old really doesn’t matter.

The takeaway here? As trusted Flower Mound real estate agents, we recommend that you give both new and older homes a chance. Who knows what you may find when you keep an open mind?

Team Nelson is dedicated to helping potential buyers find the perfect house, the one that truly will be your “home sweet home.” Give us a call today!

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