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Buying A Home In Frisco? Issues Missed In Home Inspections

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When it comes to buying a home, a home inspection is par for the course. As a potential buyer, you want to know of any problems that may exist with the home which may cost you down the road. It’s important that any issues are revealed before you close, however not every problem is always detected, even by professionals who perform home inspections. What are some of the most frequently missed problems?

Roof issues. Legally, home inspectors are not required to get up on the roof to perform a physical inspection. Because of this, limited visibility from the ground could result in significant issues going undetected. You may want to consider having a certified roof inspector carefully inspect the roof, as issues with the roof account for nearly 40% of homeowners’ insurance claims according to the NRCIA (National Roof Certification and Inspection Association).

Water damage. Exterior water damage isn’t too difficult to spot, but what about damage that you can’t see – for instance inside the walls? While an IR camera can locate areas where moisture damage is a problem and not visible to the naked eye, home inspectors are not required to use them. You may want to make sure you find a certified inspector who is willing to use an infrared camera!

Cancer-causing radon. Radon is a noxious gas you can’t smell, taste, or see – and it’s present in homes in every state in the U.S. Radon tests are fairly cheap, so be sure to ask the seller if a test for radon has already been performed. If not, have the home tested as recommended by the EPA.

Flooring issues. It’s hard to know whether the subfloor is in good condition given that floors are typically covered with laminate, carpet, or tile. When you walk across the floor, are there any soft or “spongy” areas that seem to give as you walk across them? This could indicate a moisture problem. Another tell-tale sign of potential moisture or wood rot issues with the flooring is a musty or moldy smell in the home. If you suspect a problem with the floor, the National Institute of Certified Floorcovering Inspectors usually have experts who work locally.

While a home inspection is critical, unfortunately even those who are certified professionals can’t detect every potential problem in a home. It’s a good idea to consider a roof inspector, HVAC technician, or even plumbing professional to ensure everything is in good working order, so you can enjoy peace of mind.

Looking to purchase a home in Frisco or another North Texas community? At Team Nelson, our Realtors are dedicated to helping you find the home that suits your family’s design preferences and lifestyle. Call us today, and enjoy an easier, less stressful home buying process.

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