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Dallas Real Estate: Contemporary & Modern Homes Difference

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Many people believe that modern and contemporary style homes are one and the same. If you’re a potential buyer, don’t feel embarrassed – many real estate agents and builders don’t even know the difference! The fact is, these two interior design styles are not alike. Our Dallas real estate agents would like to enlighten readers regarding some of the differences below!

Modern interior design actually goes back to the span of time dating between the 1920’s and 1950’s. Modern actually refers to “Mid Century Modern,” a time when home interiors were unadorned, and spaces were clean and airy. White walls are common in modern homes, as are leather, linen, wood, and other natural materials. Many people today refer to modern homes as “retro.” Furnishings are often crafted of plastics, molded plywood, sometimes polished metal. Another element of modern design is the neutral, natural colors used.

Contemporary, unlike modern, is an interior design that is ever-changing, depending on what is popular in decor or trending at the moment. It’s likely that when you take a tour of a contemporary home, you’ll find furnishings, accents, and materials from several different eras. You could describe contemporary design as “eclectic” is some cases, as you may find a sofa or dining room table from a long-ago era mixed with other pieces that are current or “right now.” While you may find traditional mouldings along with stone, cedar, or other natural elements in the contemporary home, you may also find some elements of mid-century modern design incorporated, which certainly makes the confusion understandable.

Architects and home designers explain it perhaps more clearly: Modern homes incorporate low-key furnishings, a “stripped down” aesthetic, simple lines, and often monochromatic color palettes while contemporary homes are often more dramatic in terms of color combinations and the use of bright colors, materials, lots of big windows, and an emphasis on indoor spaces that easily transition to the outdoors. While contemporary is an interesting, playful mix, experts have cautioned against using the word in describing a home that’s for sale, saying that those defined as modern sell much quicker – and for a better price.

Need help defining your home’s style or creating the perfect ad? At Team Nelson, it’s our job to make buying or selling a home as easy and seamless as possible. Contact our Dallas real estate agents today, and let us help make sense of all the confusion!

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