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When It Comes To A DFW Area Home, One Size Doesn’t Fit All

dfw area home

Is it time to downsize, or do you need a spacious home for a growing family? Our Dallas real estate agents realize that not everyone needs or wants a 3,500 square foot home and that for some, 1,500 square feet or even less is plenty of room. The size home you buy depends on many factors including how large your family is, whether your kids have “flown the coop,” whether aging parents live with you, or how often you entertain guests or keep the grand kids for a day or two every now and then.

Really, what couple in their 60’s or 70’s wants to maintain a huge home unless you have lots of overnight company on a regular basis? Many older couples prefer a smaller, more intimate space that’s the right size for their needs. No need to clean a home that’s twice the size you need, or take care of all the lawn and landscaping maintenance. When you’re a certain age, you should be able to relax and enjoy life without an endless list of chores!

So how do you know how much space you need when buying DFW area home?

First, think about your long-term needs. It’s important to know whether you intend to live in your home for only the short-term, or for 10 or 20 years or longer. How much will your life change over the years? Will your kids be grown and on their own, going to college or having families of their own? Think about not only the present, but how your home will suit your lifestyle a decade or longer from now.

Keep in mind that we tend to “grow” to the size of our homes. A larger home is more room to accumulate “stuff” you might not keep if you lived in a smaller space. Are you ready to clean 3,000 square feet, or are you financially able to hire someone to take care of your home and possibly the lawn/landscape for you? Some people just enjoy having a lot of space. If this is you, it’s likely you probably wouldn’t be content with a smaller home. Consider all of the pros and cons of living in a larger home versus one that’s smaller. Every family is different!

Furnishing a large home is more expensive. This is common sense; the larger the space, the more furnishings you’ll need. If it’s your first time to buy a home, it could be that you need an entire house of new furnishings. Can you afford to buy new, or would second-hand furnishings work just fine? This is another factor in determining the size of the home you buy.

Cost of maintenance, furnishings, whether you’ll have family members living with you in the coming years, how much space you enjoy, how often you entertain or have overnight guests – there are so many factors that come into play when trying to decide whether a home is the right size for your needs.

At Team Nelson our Dallas-Ft. Worth real estate professionals are dedicated to helping you decide which homes are right for your needs in terms of lifestyle, age, family, budget and other factors. Count on our “team” when you’re searching for the ideal Dallas area home.

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