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DFW Real Estate – Is A Home Office The Right Use Of Space?

dfw real estate

While home offices were all the rage a few years ago, today many homeowners are finding they don’t really need an entire room and are opting to use their spaces for other purposes. Whether you live in Flower Mound, Highland Village, or anywhere in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metro area you may want to consider how others are replacing the home office, depending on your family, hobbies, and needs.

Arts and crafts. Perhaps you have children who love to dabble in crafts, or you’re an artist of sorts yourself. From sculpting and working with ceramics to sewing, woodworking, or painting with oils, an arts and crafts room may make more sense for your family. Be sure to equip this room with older furnishings and surfaces that are easy to clean!

A family room. You’re probably thinking “but I have a living room.” We’re not talking about a room whose primary purpose is to entertain or that your family rarely uses. We’re talking about a real family room, one where your family actually spends time together. All you need are a sofa and a couple of chairs, a TV, a bookshelf for the passionate readers in your home, and a table where you can spend time playing a game together. Quality family time is important, even today.

Library. If you have an avid reader or two in the family, what better way to spend a rainy day than curled up in a comfy chair or couch enjoying a good book? While digital books have become extremely popular, for some there’s just nothing like holding an actual book with paper pages. Shelves that run floor to ceiling, floor lamps, a plant or two and task lights, and it’s the perfect escape for those who love to transport themselves to another world through reading.

Of course you may want to use the space as a home movie theater or guest room, depending on whether your family loves watching movies or you regularly have overnight company. How you choose to use your space depends on your family’s lifestyle and those things you enjoy most.

Looking for a home in North Texas with an arts and crafts room, library, or home theater? At Team Nelson our DFW real estate professionals are experts when it comes to finding the ideal home for your family and your lifestyle. Let us help make the search simpler and less stressful!

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