Even in the Dallas area, temperatures can get downright chilly during winter months. Christmas is just a few weeks away; did you know there are some things you can do over the holidays that will save on energy costs? At Team Nelson, we want to offer a few tips that will help you be more energy efficient during the Christmas holiday, and for the remaining winter months.
- Unplug. Electronics, chargers, Christmas tree and decoration lights, appliances – all of these things can eat up electricity, even when they’re not turned on. If you’re going to be away from home for a couple of days, unplug them.
- Consider LED lights for your Christmas tree. Yes, they’re a bit more expensive upfront than regular lights, but save as much as 90% of the energy used over the seasons.
- Set your thermostat on 68. That seems chilly, but you can save substantially on energy by setting your thermostat lower. Bundle up in multiple layers, slippers, sweaters or sweats to stay warm and toasty – and resist the temptation to raise the thermostat setting.
- Replace your old light bulbs with CFLs (compact fluorescent lights). These lights use far less energy, and last for years.
- Use your ceiling fan – on reverse. By setting your ceiling fan on reverse so that it rotates in a clockwise direction, warm air that rises to the ceiling will be pushed back down and circulated. You feel warmer, and your heater runs less.
- Seal up air leaks. Even the smallest cracks can let in more cold air than you think, and your heat will go outdoors as well. In fact, a small crack can make heat loss equivalent to having the window open. Seal up around doors and windows using caulk and/or weather stripping.
- Recycle Christmas. While this has nothing to do with saving on energy costs, it’s still a good idea for the environment. Think of ways you can recycle or reuse your Christmas tree rather than it ending up in a landfill. Take your own recycled shopping bags when you Christmas shop, so you can avoid bringing plastic bags or others that are not recyclable home with you.
- Reduce drafts around electrical outlet plates. Yes, even those small electrical outlets can let cold air seep into your home. Remove the plate and install foam gaskets behind it, then replace the plate.
- Use common sense year-round. Any time of the year you can save on energy costs by simply turning off fans and lights when they aren’t in use, keeping water usage to a minimum by taking short showers, and running appliances (dishwashers, washing machines) only when you have a full load.
Even families who enjoy a beautiful Flower Mound home don’t want to pay more in energy costs than necessary! By implementing these tips in your home, you not only reduce energy usage, but reduce your carbon footprint on the environment.
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