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Your Flower Mound Home Has Personality: Too Much To Sell?

houses with personality

As experienced Flower Mound realtors, we know that every homeowner has a unique style and personality when it comes to decorating a home. You may love bright walls, unusual art, and all of those things that make your home uniquely yours. Unfortunately, all of the effort and love you have put into your home to give it the “personality” and atmosphere your family enjoys may be exactly what buyers are NOT looking for. If your Flower Mound home has been on the market for a few months but hasn’t sold, it may be beneficial to make it more neutral by taking away an overabundance of personality. Here’s how.

Repaint in neutral shades. Sure, you think the deep burgundy wall paint in the dining room is rich and elegant, but others may not be too fond of it. Use neutral colors such as sand, off-white, and beige instead. Have dark paneling in a den or living room? Take it off and again, paint walls a neutral color. Loud or busy wallpaper may also be off-putting to potential buyers.

Remove items that may make buyers feel as though they are invading your personal space. Buyers want to be able to picture themselves in the home they are looking at. This is hard to do when family photos, diplomas, college degrees, or family heirlooms are on display on tables, walls, shelves – everywhere. Remove these items to make your home more sellable. It won’t cost you a dime!

Present the rooms as they are meant to be used. You may use the dining room as a computer room or home office, but many buyers just don’t have the imagination to picture the room as the dining room that it actually is. Make sure all of the rooms in your home are presented as the rooms they actually are. That fourth bedroom you have been using for storage or as the children’s play room should be shown as a bedroom!

Make it easier by putting your emotions aside. When you are serious about selling your Dallas-area home, it’s easiest to make the home what buyers are looking for by putting yourself in their shoes, and putting your memories and emotions aside. Buyers want to see the potential for making your house their own home, which is easier when you have removed the “personality.” It’s tough to detach yourself, but essential for a quick sale.

At Team Nelson, our Flower Mound real estate agents are dedicated to helping you sell your home as quickly as possible, for the best possible price. For help finding the perfect buyer for your home, give us a call today!

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