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House Hunting In North Texas Can Be Heartbreaking – 3 Tips To Move On

House Hunting North Texas

House hunting in North Texas is somewhat like dating – you have to go through a series of disappointments before you find the right one! As trusted Flower Mound realtors, we know the heartbreak potential buyers often face. You may find yourself obsessing over one property, issues may arise during an inspection or disclosure phase, or a seller could hurt your feelings just when you think you have the deal all sealed up.

Finding the perfect home is an evolution; the fact is, it’s important that you see many homes and learn more about the market before making that “final” decision! Here are a few tips to help you avoid house hunting heartbreak:

Don’t let one home blur your focus and get you sidetracked

When buying a home, knowing when to compromise is important. While you’ll probably never find a home that meets all of your criteria, you don’t want to “fall” for one home because of one feature that sticks in your mind. For instance, the home may have the kitchen of your dreams, but if it’s short on bathrooms or lacks the garage space you need, move on – you won’t be happy over the long-term.

The seller can sell to anyone, so don’t get your feelings hurt

Maybe you think you’ve cinched the deal because you offered the seller’s asking price. Not necessarily so! Other potential buyers may be able to offer the seller a larger down payment, or offer a higher price than the list price. Try to avoid a mentality that the home you love is all yours, until you know without a doubt it is.

Be prepared to have the rug pulled out from under you

You never want to fall too hard for a home; even when the contract is signed, it doesn’t necessarily mean a done deal. Issues may come up in escrow, or during the inspection or disclosure phase. When it’s apparent that the sale isn’t going to work out, keep moving ahead. Having your heart set on a home even when it becomes apparent that the deal isn’t going to work out may cause you to miss out on the ideal home that’s just around the corner.

The process of buying a home can certainly be frustrating, but consider it a journey – a journey in which you see many beautiful homes and learn more than you ever thought you would know about the buying process.

At Team Nelson, our Flower Mound real estate agents understand the “heartbreak” of house hunting. Let us make the journey easier for you, give us a call today!

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