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Increase the Value of Your Dallas Property with These Tips

dallas property

You may or may not be thinking about selling your Dallas property, but increasing its value is important to many homeowners – after all, there may come a day you decide to sell! Regardless, we have a few of the best-kept secrets we want to share with you for increasing the value of your property.

Plant a few trees. If you’re not selling in the near future, trees are a great way to dress up your property and even make your home more energy efficient when planted in the right location. If your landscape is sparse when it comes to trees, consider planting three or four in strategic locations so they’ll provide shade for your home during summer months.

Visually add to your space. You can make your home look much larger than it actually is. How? Clear out the clutter, open up the blinds/curtains, add a large mirror to reflect your spaces, and use light colors for walls, floors, and furnishings.

Is your flooring outdated? Consider replacing the flooring if yours is outdated or worn. If you aren’t selling immediately, you can spread out the cost by working on one room at a time, starting with the one in the worst shape. One thing buyers don’t want when looking at homes is one they’ll have to spend considerable money on!

Pay attention to the kitchen and bathrooms – buyers do. In fact, these are the two rooms buyers pay most attention to. Update the decor, replace faucets, upgrade the cabinets or vanity, even consider replacing kitchen appliances if yours are ancient. To what extent you can “makeover” these rooms depends largely on your budget, but do what you can.

Paint. Yes, everyone hates to paint! However, it’s one of the cheapest and easiest ways to give your home a fresh new look, whether you paint inside or out. It’s best to stick to neutral colors if you’re considering putting your home on the market.

Have an extra space? If you have a den, accessible attic space, or a bonus room, ask your real estate agent what potential buyers are looking for in terms of rooms. It may be possible to transform an unused space to an office, craft room, or nursery depending on what buyers are looking for.

There are countless things you can do to increase the value of your property, many of them fairly easy and affordable.

If you do decide to put your North Texas home on the market, be sure to give the professionals at Team Nelson a call!

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