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Does The Seller Of A DFW Home Actually See Your Offer?

dfw home

It isn’t uncommon for a potential buyer to wonder whether the offer they made on a DFW home is actually seen by the seller – and if it isn’t, what then? Our Dallas real estate professionals have a little info below you may find helpful.

Ethically speaking, the seller’s agent should show all offers to the seller, and most of the time this is the case. There may be instances where the seller requests not to be shown any offers below a certain price point. The laws vary across states, however in most cases if a seller has requested in writing that the agent not present certain offers, the seller won’t see those offers.

Another scenario is one in which a real estate broker represents both the seller and the buyer. In Texas, a dual-agency state, this is called an “intermediary agency.” While it’s perfectly legal for an agent to represent both parties, the problem arises when you encounter an agent who is not ethical. The higher the selling price, the bigger financial benefit for the broker. This could result in the agent not showing the seller some of the lesser offers, however this rarely happens as it puts the agent’s license at risk.

What can you do if you suspect the seller of the home you’re interested in hasn’t seen your offer?

First of all, it is important you submit a written offer. If you’ve done this and go weeks or months without hearing anything, request a written rejection.

Ask your real estate agent what’s going on. If your agent is representing you and the seller has a separate listing agent, it isn’t unusual for the buyer’s agent to have a conversation with the seller’s agent about any issues. If your agent represents both parties, you may want to go straight to the seller to inquire about your offer.

Chalk it up to a bad experience. Sometimes it’s best to just continue your search for a home rather than dwell on the issue and stress out about something you probably can’t change.

Above all else, it’s important to work with a DFW real estate agent you are comfortable with and feel you can trust, one who’s looking out for your best interests. When it comes time to search for your dream home, count on the team at Team Nelson!

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