Tag Archives: buying home education

Dallas Moves Up List Of June’s Hottest Real Estate Markets

By now you already know North Texas is ‘scorching hot’ when it comes to real estate and job opportunities. A ranking of America’s 20 hottest real estate markets for June 2017 was just released, based on June data collected by the folks at Realtor.com, and after a preliminary analysis, it looks like Dallas moved up […]

Want To Buy a Home in Flower Mound? Terms To Know

Nearly every person who has purchased a home in the past has heard a real estate agent use terms he or she was not quite familiar with – ‘sweat equity’ and ‘cumulative interests’ are just a few that come to mind. If you’re looking to buy a home in Flower Mound, there are a few […]

Flower Mound Real Estate Market – How To Budget In 2015

Beginning this fall and throughout 2015, there are a few things Dallas-area consumers should brace yourself for in terms of “sticker shock.” In order to budget properly and avoid finding yourself in a financial bind, we’ve included the five expenses you can expect to see go up soon. Clothing. The economy has been in recovery […]

Three Reasons You May Not Be Ready To Buy A Dallas Home

If you’re considering whether or not to buy a Dallas home, you probably feel you are ready – but are you, really? A home is likely the biggest investment you will make, but if you jump before you are truly emotionally or financially prepared, it could possibly result in tough financial issues down the road. […]

Buying A Home In North Texas: Expenses Of Homeownership

Naturally, anyone who purchases a home in Flower Mound, Denton, Highland Village, or any city or community in the Dallas area, expects certain expenses, such as a mortgage, taxes, and insurance. You may even include a few new pieces of furniture in budgeting for your new home. What expenses might you incur that you didn’t […]