Tag Archives: credit score

Self-Employed And Wanting To Buy A Flower Mound Home?

For those who are self-employed and wanting to buy a Flower Mound home, getting a mortgage can be a bit tougher than for those who work for an employer. The biggest reason for this is that self-employed borrowers often report a lower credit score, often below 680. While it’s true that self-employed individuals generally make […]

Can Shopping Mortgage Rates Mean A Lower Credit Score?

At Team Nelson, our Dallas real estate agents know that nearly all potential homebuyers are aware that lower mortgage rates may be a result of high credit scores – but could shopping for mortgage rates actually lower your credit score? As a potential home buyer, this is a topic you need to be knowledgeable about. […]

Can Your Credit Be Hurt By A Missed Or Late Mortgage Payment?

If you have recently purchased a new home in the Dallas or Flower Mound area or have lived in your home for many years, you may be curious just how (or if) missing a mortgage payment can affect your credit. As trusted real estate agents in the North Texas area, we realize that there are […]

DFW Real Estate – Don’t Let Your Credit Stop The Home Buying Process

As experienced Flower Mound and DFW real estate agents, we know that many people are not very aware of their credit scores or what factors influence those scores until they go to make a substantial purchase. You know that buying a new home is the biggest investment you will probably ever make, and that it […]

Flower Mound Realtors Reveal Factors That Affect Your Credit Score

Many people don’t really understand the factors that affect their credit score most, or how one factor may be more important than another. As experienced Flower Mound realtors, we understand that potential homebuyers worry about having a good credit score – you want to be credit-worthy when it comes to banks or lending institutions. What […]