Tag Archives: homebuying tips

Flower Mound Real Estate – Compete With Cash Buyers

If you’ve got your eye on a North Texas home, you’re probably like most people – you don’t have endless cash lying around. What if someone who does have substantial cash comes along, wanting to take that dream home out from under you? Can you compete? Absolutely! As trusted Flower Mound real estate professionals, we […]

Looking For A Home In Dallas? Avoid These Bad Behaviors

Buying a home is more complex than many people believe. This is why many potential home buyers choose to work with an experienced Dallas real estate agent who can help make the process easier and less stressful. However, it’s important to understand that not all buyers (or agents, for that matter) are created equal. Agents […]

Looking For A Home? Real Estate Ads To Be Wary Of

Real estate ads, like all other ads for products or services, can be misleading. Unfortunately, some real estate agents resort to “tricky” wording, for lack of a better term, to attract potential buyers to a particular home or property. What are these words or phrases you should be aware of when searching for the perfect […]

Moving to Flower Mound? 5 Tips To Save Money

At Team Nelson, our Flower Mound realtors know that moving can be costly, considering insurance for the move, insurance for your new home, down payments, and other costs. What most home buyers fail to realize is that moving in itself can cost a bundle! If you’re moving to Flower Mound from within the state of […]

Search Dallas Home Listings – It Isn’t All Business

Price, making an offer, negotiating, filling out tons of paperwork – true, buying a home involves a lot of business and may be part financial expedition, but it’s important to keep in mind that you don’t want to “settle.” Most people purchase a home intending to stay in it for decades, even perhaps forever, so […]

Is it Time to Enlist the Help of a Realtor In Dallas?

Given today’s technology, it’s easy for those searching for a home to do a lot of the legwork themselves. You can search the Internet not only for listings in your area, but in some cases historical data and other information. Attending open houses is another easy way to get an idea of the homes available […]

Flower Mound Real Estate – Home Ownership vs. Renting

While it may seem that you simply cannot afford to buy a home in the Dallas area, studies have proven that those who own a home rather than rent build their wealth much faster than those who rent homes, apartments, or condos. As Flower Mound realtors who want you to understand why buying is such […]

Speed Up The Purchase Of Your Flower Mound Home

Those who rent in the Dallas metro area and who are ready to buy their first Flower Mound home are understandably excited, and ready to get the show on the road! Unfortunately, recent research announced by the Daily Real Estate News revealed that in most counties in Texas, it can take up to a dozen […]

Flower Mound Real Estate Market – How To Budget In 2015

Beginning this fall and throughout 2015, there are a few things Dallas-area consumers should brace yourself for in terms of “sticker shock.” In order to budget properly and avoid finding yourself in a financial bind, we’ve included the five expenses you can expect to see go up soon. Clothing. The economy has been in recovery […]

Flower Mound Realtors Reveal 4 Mistakes You Want To Avoid

As real estate agents who know all too well the mistakes home buyers make in purchasing a home, we want to share some of the biggest mistakes so you can avoid them entirely. At Team Nelson, our Flower Mound realtors are dedicated to helping you find the home that is ideal for your family, both […]